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Hei Whakakai
Whakakai / Foodmaker
Tara Pounamu/Bird Spear
"Ko te manu kai I te miro, nōnā te ngahere
Ko te manu kai I te mātauranga, nōnā te Ao"
Tetahi o ā tātou taotū nehera. He tao manu kia koikoi rānō e iti iho ki te taringa.
One of our oldest functional tools. This was a bird spear, sharpened till it was small enough to wear in the ear.
He whānaunga tawhito nō tātou katoa i te taiao me o tātou tāngata i mahara ki te tino penapena me te mātauranga nō wai tētahi iwi.
We all have an ancient relationship with te taiao and our people understood the importance of preservation and knowledge of who we are as a people.

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